
This short film explores the events that changed Kaleb's life. He is negative and has a horrible attitude. But after he has an interaction with Jeremiah, who has a great attit...
3.2 Stars

Run Time 0 hr 4 min 59 sec

Uploaded Jun 09,2023



It is Everything

3.5 Stars

This was a fun film with a good message. A couple of continuity errors but not terrible. Framing was well done, but some of the angles were just off. Sound and lighting were both well done, and acting was pretty solid. Good job!

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Cinematography Grabbed My Attention

1.9 Stars

The shots in this film are very well planned out and I appreciate that. The story is compelling and could have been edited a bit tighter, but overall, I liked it and the filmmakers did a great job.

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Love the Message

3.9 Stars

I really enjoyed your film. Nice work! You did a lot of things right here. The cinematography is really done quite well. Great camera movement and lighting. You can tell that you really took the time to make it great.The acting was also great. I was truly impressed. The only note I have for you is spending a little more time in development to really tease out the story to give it a bit more depth would have made this piece perfect. Keep up the great work and keep making films.

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