Lily is an introverted teenager struggling to cope with the fact of not hearing the world around her. By chance, she finds herself in after school detention with extrovert Jake who convinces her to skip detention and take a journey with him to help her find self discovery and that there is a life worth living, even in silence.
Samantha Lewandowski
Samantha Lewandowski
Samantha Lewandowski
Luke Perez
Samantha Lewandowski
Luke Perez
Samantha Lewandowski
Luke Perez
This is a really good film and would recommend watching it now. I love the fact that they are coming out to show people that not everyone is perfect and that you should never give up even if you have a disability.
A excellent short film,This film showed the viewers what the experience of a girl who's disability helped her find self discovery and that there is a life worth living, even in silence. it has all the story structure elements in place and great cinematic coverage including depth of field and good sound design. The acting was impressive and made the story come together especially with the point of views and scenery.
Unfortunately I only have 500 characters to tell you how great I feel you film is...First and foremost, congrats on being so creative with your story. The writing is superb. Your dramatic arc is exactly what it should be. You have all the story structure elements in place. Great cinematic coverage, depth of field, exceptional sound design, score, inserts performances. If I had any advice...I would say, rehearse with your actors. Jake at times could was a little rigid but a little. Beautiful!
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