A young man named James Stewart moves to a new town to further his career, leaving behind his old life. Trying to make acquaintance with his neighbors, he realizes that he is an outsider to their strange community. Through a series of unsettling interactions James determines that there is something much more sinister going on. Chronicling the experience through letters to a c...
Nathan Keldsen (128911@student.vansd.org)
Ian MacDonald (137658@student.vansd.org)
Natalie McNulty (153321@student.vansd.org)
Cassy Akimseu-Arnold (128787@student.vansd.org)
Timo Isreb (144009@student.vansd.org)
Nathan Keldsen (128911@student.vansd.org)
Ian MacDonald (137658@student.vansd.org)
Natalie McNulty (153321@student.vansd.org)
Nathan Keldsen (128911@student.vansd.org)
Ian MacDonald (137658@student.vansd.org)
Ian MacDonald (137658@student.vansd.org)
Timo Isreb (144009@student.vansd.org)
Cassy Akimseu-Arnold (128787@student.vansd.org)
Natalie McNulty (153321@student.vansd.org)
Ian MacDonald (137658@student.vansd.org)
I think this film was absolutely amazing and had me so attached that I could feel what the main character was feeling. Even with Michael, his friend he was writing to, I couldn't help but think what he could of been thinking or how worried he would be. It was attention grabbing and I would love for there to be a part two.
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I felt the overall production value was very high. Great use of available light in each scene, the subtle sound design added to the overall story and the music was used for just the right places. I felt the camera work was just as Roger Deakin recommends. Not distracting and pulls you into the story The acting was very subtle and understated. It felt very natural and well done. I think the Director did a fantastic job of balancing all the elements into a perfect thriller.
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Great film and great concept. Very Hitchcock and you did a great job keeping it violence free yet VERY suspenseful. It can be done because you did it. Your cinematography was top notch. Great opening title sequence while unraveling the story and the music throughout was spot on. You really created some great tension and left the audience thinking in the end. Your attention to the lighting and composition was great. Well written script. Simple yet complex. Congratulations. A job very well done.
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